Too Late
When something is irreversible, it’s irreversible,
No takebacks, no excuses, and likely it’s inexcusable,
When the toothpaste leaves the tube, it doesn’t go back,
When the words leave our mouths, they are impossible to
Which is why it is important to think before we speak,
It doesn’t mean we are weak or even meek,
Words are not purposeful when used as weapons,
Thoughts also fall into this category of deceptions,
We fool ourselves if we think words don’t have power,
While freedom of speech is the topic of the hour,
Our speech should be for building up, not tearing down,
Encouraging, not degrading; Hopeful and sweet, not bitter
and sour,
Speaking truth is also an absolute necessity,
Truth, though sometimes hurtful, can be spoken respectfully,
Deceit and lies will dishonor and provoke,
And remember, we can’t unscramble the scrambled egg yolk,
When something is irreversible, it’s irreversible,
So, let’s make our words kind and purposeful,
“Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is just,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is anything
worthy of praise, think about these things.”- Phillipians 4:8,
If we think first, before our mouths speak, it won’t be
too late!
Tammy Harvey
Written: 9/4/2021