Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Cardinal Silhouette


The Silhouette Story

A few days after my husband died, a bright red cardinal came to my backyard and splashed around happily in the bird bath.  I had never witnessed this activity before. Then it sat peacefully on the edge of the roof as if keeping watch. The majestic bird seemed to say, “I’m here- look at me”.   I think it was a sign or a symbol of my husband’s spirit.  I know many people believe that when a cardinal appears, an angel is near.  It did make a believer out of me.  Myself and my children now associate the appearance of the red cardinal as a remembrance of their dad.  Four years have passed, and last year I moved to a new home.  However, for three years prior a red cardinal always made his presence known in the backyard.  The backyard that was our family home together for 26 years.  Even now, the new owners have observed the red bird watching over them.  The appearance of a male Northern Cardinal is very distinct and can’t be confused with any other birds.  It has that bright red body, crested head, black face and conical beak.  The Northern Cardinal is our state bird here in North Carolina.  It not only mates for life but stays together with its mate the entire year.  The male cardinal is faithful and dedicated to helping feed their young.  He is a provider.  This describes my husband perfectly.  He was a worker and a provider to our family, dedicated and faithful to me.

We collect a few cardinal memorabilia to remind us of my husband, but one of my favorites was given to me by my youngest son for my Birthday a few years ago.  It was made by an artisan from iron and is the profile of a cardinal looking over his shoulder, with a spike meant to be driven into a tree or post.  It was driven into the girth of a large oak tree in the backyard of our family home.  I suppose I thought it should stay there, so I left it when I moved.  I rethought my decision after moving into my new home.  I wanted that cardinal with me.  The new owners were more than agreeable, so my oldest son somehow pulled it from the mighty oak’s grip.  I proceeded to gently tap the spiked end into the soft wood of a cedar post on the pergola we had built in my new space.  There could not have been a more perfect spot for this piece of art.  It had already rusted, as iron will do, but the rust makes it more beautiful. It is visible from almost every window in my new home.  The morning sun casts a silhouette shadow onto the side of my neighbor’s house, and the silhouette shadow slowly moves as the sun crosses the sky.  It is a sight to behold.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  11/17/2022

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas is Comiiiiing

 Christmas Cheer

Green and red, red and green,
Christmas colors we all have seen,
Hanging in the stores and in the street,
Festive decorations make Christmas time complete,
We would assume that everyone can enjoy,
But what about the color-blind little boy?
Two of my sons are red/green colorblind,
A genetic trait, keep in mind,
They see red and green nearly the same,
And it is my genes that are to blame,
Their view of Christmas is hard to comprehend,
Even the colorful fall leaves blend in,
For them, the color distinction is not there,
But then again, they are not aware,
They just don’t know what they are missing,
Which causes me to begin reminiscing,
I never realized that their Christmas cheer,
Throughout their youth and through the years,
Was so hindered by their visual defect,
But their holiday was still joyful, I suspect,
The colors at Christmas are not the reason for joy,
The reason for the season is the birth of a special boy,
The Baby Jesus. Born on a silent and holy night,
Must have been a wondrous and glorious sight,
So colorblind or not, we all can agree,
The Miracle of Christmas is not hyperbole!
“And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, 
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”- Isaiah 9:6

Tammy Harvey

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Christmas is Coming

 My Tinsel is Tangled

The Macy’s Day parade and National Dog Show brought us cheer,
But Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas season is here,
Now decorations and gifts are on display everywhere,
Should I buy them a toy or something to wear?
The hectic hustle and bustle are truly real,
You must shop until you drop to get the best deal,
To find the perfect gift for someone is particularly rare,
And with the buying, baking, and wrapping, there’s no time to spare,
Christmas gatherings have me pondering what to wear,
Which gets my tinsel in a tangle, it’s a stressful affair,
Oh, I do wish to enjoy this season of partridge and pear,
But I’m just getting by on a wing and a prayer,
I’d rather stay home and sit quietly in my chair,
What happened to the childhood days, free of care,
Am losing my childhood wonder? I declare,
So, I must warn you to be very aware,
Don’t get caught up in the Christmas frenzy, beware!
You will be left with only a heap of despair,
The secular ways are meant to ensnare,
Joy should replace all the Christmas-ing,
Joy to the world- a newborn King!
I remind you again of the one true reason,
For this blessed and holy Christmas season.

Tammy Harvey

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Holiday Confusion

Just Can’t Wait

Is this real life or only an illusion?
There seems to be some sort of confusion,
Don’t forget this is only November,
But this happened last year, I remember,
I could see the pink buds beginning to form,
An abundance of them, quite out of the norm,
I knew it was early, but enjoyed the display,
As the buds slowly opened up into a flowering array,
So beautiful it was, and I couldn’t help but smile,
Because it really couldn’t wait, not even a little while,
My Christmas cactus thinks it’s a Thanksgiving flower,
It doesn’t know the date, time or even the hour,
My gorgeous cactus blooms this time every year,
And I am thankful for it, it gives me Thanksgiving cheer,
A precursor to a season of joy to come,
When the little drummer boy will beat his little drum,
So shhh, don’t tell the cactus it celebrates the wrong holiday,
For a Thanksgiving cactus it will stay!

Tammy Harvey
Written: 12/3/2022