Poison Ivy
Beware! The ivy that
is a poisonous threat,
Especially if you haven’t had it yet,
I dared to work in amongst it unprotected,
Now my body is relentlessly affected,
Oh, I saw it there, but did not heed,
I did not wear gloves to intercede,
I did not wear long sleeves to keep my arms,
From all the unforeseen rash and harm,
I did not shower after I finished my task,
I was too tired, in case you ask,
I guess I learned my lesson well,
Three days later, my eyes did swell,
My rash broke out upon my arms and neck,
Between my fingers, what the heck!
The itchiness was quite overwhelming,
The urge to scratch became overbearing,
Off to the doctor I went for relief,
After my swollen face was beyond belief,
Steroids are now my new best friend,
Hopefully, no rage will follow in the end,
Therefore, I say again with urgency,
Save yourself from an emergency,
Beware! The ivy that
is a poisonous threat,
Especially if you haven’t had it yet.
Tammy Harvey