Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Dichotomy of Nature


The Dandelion

The squawking of the Canadian geese brought me to pull the curtain,

As I peered out, they were swimming gracefully, that was for certain,

A few ducks too had joined them on the water this particular morning,

But my attention soon turned to something else, completely without warning,

I fixated on a single stem perched in the foreground of my view,

In the brown grass of early spring, the silhouette I certainly knew,

A dandelion had gone to seed, and the round puff ball was a delight,

It stood so straight and looked so strong, but I knew it would soon take flight,

A perfect sphere of thousands of delicate white feathery hairs,

Just waiting for a swift breeze to release them to the air,

I felt in awe of the dichotomy of nature, in this case,

A hardy, green plant with a solid tap root base,

With fragile parachute seeds, ready to be blown away,

Yet still intact on this particular day,

Its strength lies beneath the surface, and its vulnerability is easily seen,

It’s such a juxtaposition, if you know what I mean,

We are like dandelions, strong within our hearts,

Yet looking fragile and weak on the outside, ready to fall apart,

The tap root is there to help the dandelion easily regrow,

Just as we need our inner strength to finally let go,

Let go of our vulnerabilities and cling to our strong foundation,

For in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  3/26/2023

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Just Listen


The Sound of Silence

It was the darkest dark I’d ever experienced.  At Tuckaleechee Caverns in Townsend, TN when the tour guide turned the lights off while we were at the bottom of the cavern.  There was no natural light present at all, and I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face.  The absence of natural light is rare.  I don’t know how I felt about it.  It was a little scary and strange.  It didn’t exactly make me feel comfortable.  Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste are the five senses.  Sight or at least light is definitely something I treasure. Sound, however, or rather the lack of it, I have discovered is amazing.  In my life now, I am experiencing the most silent silence.  Oddly, it is in my home.  As I sit here, I only hear the faint sound of the heat running, but no other noise at all.  When I go to bed at night, I think about the sound I am not hearing.  In the summer, I heard frogs and crickets from the reserve pond in back of my house.  I heard the birds during the day too.  Now, in December, however, I go to bed with the sound of silence and wake up to it.  Except for the weekly garbage truck pickup, I don’t hear any traffic noises or even construction noises.  It is delightfully peaceful.  What does silence sound like?  It sounds like absolutely nothing and is actually quite comfortable to me.

I recently purchased a retro desk from my favorite thrift store.  It is solid wood and has a mid-century modern look about it.  It is, however, petite and I was able to place it by my bed by a window overlooking the backyard.  It is where the sun sets each evening.  I call this new place my devotion spot.  I sit there in complete silence with only my own thoughts.  There are no distractions, no stimuli, no interruptions.  It is a place to ponder, to pray, to study, to reminisce, or to read.  On occasion, I hear the distant sound of a train whistle as the freight train goes down the tracks nearby.  Even now, as I sit typing this story in my office, the only sound is the clicking of the keys on the keyboard.  It is refreshing to have no sound.  It is therapeutic.  I stopped typing to enjoy it.  It is complete silence.  I can hear nothing but my own breathing.  I’ll admit I just heard a distance sound of an airplane, but those are rare.  Without, the television or radio on, the silence is deafening, and I realize it is a luxury.  Don’t I miss the sound of our family when the children were young and played loudly in the house?  Of course, I do, but that was a different time and place. Decades of life experiences have made me appreciate the soothing quiet. Now that I live alone, I don’t mind the solitude.  I can literally hear a pin drop, and the silence is golden. “Speech is silver, silence is golden” is the full ancient proverb usually only quoted in part.  Silence is calming and decreases stress and helps to lower blood pressure while increasing blood flow to the brain.  Enjoying silence helps me to be more mindful of my emotions, and to feel closer to God.  “Be still and know that I am God” is Psalm 46:10. I would encourage everyone to practice a time of silence during the day.  Being alone with your own thoughts can be very healing and strengthen your ability for discernment.

Just to clarify, I am definitely not talking about the “silent treatment”.  The silent treatment is a refusal to speak to someone as a form of passive-aggressive behavior.  It is used as a way to punish someone and is a form of emotional abuse.  It is a manipulative and controlling tactic that leads to feelings of abandonment, rejection and emotional pain for the recipient.  This forced silence is obviously not the same as the refreshing silence I described above.  As with anything, silence can be our enemy or our friend.  If used properly, though, the quietness can help us to find our inner thoughts among the noise of the world.  Time moves by so swiftly and is a whirlwind of activities.  Inundated with social media clamor and all of the real-time tragedy that we experience daily; it is important to weed out what is not healthy for us mentally. Our thoughts begin racing through our minds like a stampede of horses.  Frequently, I cannot fall asleep at night because I need my thoughts to stop racing through my mind.  In these times, I focus on the silence and with breathing techniques, I am getting better at calming my brain in preparation for sleep.  Lay your phone aside, turn off the television and just listen. We are surprised at what we “hear” when it is silent.   

  Tammy Harvey

Written:  12/10/2022     


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Just Swinging


Porch Swing

At the entrance to my home, there is a covered concrete pad,

Just enough area to take shelter, when the weather is bad,

A lovely place to catch a view of the quiet street,

Where many friendly people enjoy a meet and greet,

I decided that this would be a perfect space,

To install myself a porch swing, and fully embrace,

The neighborhood I chose for my retirement years,

And hopefully meet some of my neighboring peers,

The swing that I purchased is a single-person swing,

Because of the limited area, it is the ideal thing,

 I can sit and ponder and enjoy the afternoons,

Or swing gently back and forth beneath the rising moon,

I can swing and watch the sun come up,

Or swing and sip from my favorite cup,

I can swing my entire day away,

I can just swing for no reason, and that’s okay.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Little Bird


Little Bird

A little bird sat at my window,

And as his song for me reached a crescendo,

My worries melted away,

Like snow on a sunny winter’s day,

Into the birdfeeder, he bobbed his little head,

Eating his fill of mealworms until he was sufficiently fed,

My thoughts drifted away to a peaceful place,

I lost track of all present time and space,

My spirit was free like a kite drifting in the wind,

As the bird flew away from the perch, I grinned,

What a wonderful delight he had brought to my day,

It was nice to be a part of his short term stay,

Oh, but I’m sure he’ll be back again soon,

He always revisits me in the afternoon,

I wonder, does he know I am watching him intently?

Maybe he is watching me too, as I move gently,

Does he know I am providing him with his free meal?

Does he even know how happy he makes me feel?

Little bird, when you are out of my sight,

I hope you have a very good flight!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  3/23/2023