Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Observing Tiny


Observing Tiny

Seeking sweet red nectar, on a hot summer’s morn,

Tiny emerald-green hummingbirds are already airborne,

Fluttering and darting in and out of my sight,

Sipping drinks from my feeder, with pure delight,

Daintily and elegantly dipping their beak,

Not staying too long, which is part of their mystique,

They hover over the source of their delicious drink,

With an entitled-like ownership, I’m inclined to think,

While selfishly keeping others at bay,

Sharing is not a trait I am observing today,

Atlas, the plump yet petite bird is resting on a nearby perch,

Declaring its territory, like a back pew at church,

I wouldn’t call it mean, but high and mighty,

This bird is a combination of irresistible and flighty,

It has the courage to go after what it wants,

Against all odds, this tiny creature flaunts,

Not too sociable, not today at least,

This tiny bird is quite a beast!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  8/31/2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023



Healing Hugs

Squeeze me tight, my family or friend,

I want a hug that will never end,

I need to feel your arms around me,

It fills a hole in my heart, you see,

I’m generally not the touchy, feely kind,

But I am broken, keep this in mind,

I need the warmth of a loving touch,

It would help to heal me, oh so much,

I just feel lonely at times, without a caress,

Hugging helps to relieve all stress,

My life partner is an angel now,

And I’m getting along fine, somehow,

I just need a nice long, warm embrace,

To put a smile back on my face.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  8/21/2023

PS- Happy Birthday to Cassie (33) and Joshua (29)!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

This is Number 500!


500th Post

I’m really excited and not trying to boast,

Can’t believe this is my 500th post!

This might even deserve a celebratory toast:

Here’s to me and my love of rhyme,

Writing has been a favorite pastime,

Pouring out words, like water from a hose,

Poems are like a blooming rose,

The beauty and thorns, go hand-in-hand,

Some painful, but healing, the reward is grand,

Whimsical, magical, thought-provoking prose,

Gives me joy.  Why do you suppose?

Putting thoughts on paper is a mystery drug,

It’s like a warm and tender heart-felt hug,

All wrapped up in a blanket of creativity,

These poems have been a source of positivity,

Capturing my heart and captivating my mind,

Leaving worries and troubles far behind,

Writing has made me carefree,

And that is wherein lies the key.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  8/17/2023

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Lonesome Dove

 Listen to the Cry

The distant cry of the mourning dove,

Is a pleasant sound, and one I love,

CooooOOOO-woo-woo-woo, CooooOOOO-woo-woo-woo,

It’s a graceful song, yet not meant for me or you,

Methodically calling out in a rhythmic tone,

The male dove does not want to be alone,

These birds are known to mate for life,

He is actively seeking to find a wife,

In summer they raise two families together,

Through thick and thin, in all kinds of weather,

Scientifically, the frequency and pitch of the mourning dove call,

Has a calming affect on one and all,

The lower pitched wooing is my favorite part,

I anticipate it right from the start,

It is peaceful and serene, not sad to me,

I smile every time I spot a mourning dove in a tree,

On the ground, perched on a barbed wire fence, or,

In rows along roadside electrical wires, this I just adore,

These lovely birds with their lonesome song,

Make me want to sing along.

Tammy Harvey
