Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Toast to Joshua & Mary Lynn


My Toast to You

I feel inclined to tell you how the bride and groom met,

It was somewhat of a chance introduction, on the internet,

A LinkedIn profile appeared on the groom’s computer screen,

He was surprised by the most beautiful smile he had ever seen,

The photo of a young lady who had graduated from NC State,

Was a networking miracle, a twist of unexpected fate,

He stepped out of his comfort zone, because he was intrigued,

Even though he thought her to be out of his league,

He commented about her beautiful face,

And asked if he could meet her someplace,

Now when she received this unusual request,

She turned to her family for the answer that was best,

Everything within her said not to respond to this creepy guy,

But her family said, oh, why not give it a try?

Thus, the love story of Josh & Mary Lynn began,

It was all a part of God’s match-making plan,

Their first date was dinner, and she picked him up,

Now they have a home, a cat, and Sully, the pup,

They hike, they travel, and sometimes take a really long run,

But mostly they enjoy life and have so much fun,

In January 2022, Josh proposed to his bride,

Now they are walking this life side-by-side,

May they always be blessed to have found each other,

I am particularly fond of them, I am Josh’s mother,

Who knew LinkedIn was a dating site?

May their future always shine brighter than bright,

Please raise your glasses along with me,

And toast this couple who were meant-to-be.  

Congratulations!   Tammy Harvey 4/11/2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023




His clothes are tattered, and his hat is worn,

He is stuffed with straw on this autumn morn,

His arms outstretched, he stands alone,

The lonely cornfield is his home,

The corn stalks are his only friend,

Subtly rustling with the wind,

Scaring away others is his dutiful job,

But if he had eyes, he would surely sob,

He wants to come down off the rigid pole,

To play amongst the cornstalks is his goal,

Alas, a black crow lands on his arm,

He is thrilled when he should be full of alarm,

If he had a mouth, he’d be smiling ear to ear,

 If he had ears, that is, let me be clear,

His face is painted on, so he keeps the same expression,

And the black crow does not know of his depression,

But the black crows have added joy to his day,

A few more are resting on him before they fly away,

He knows he has failed at what the farmer intended,

But his heart (and he has one) feels so splendid,

He has companionship for the very first time,

He has broken the scarecrow paradigm.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  10/2/2023

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fall Favorites (2)


It’s Fall, Ya’ll

Red and black flannel shirts and worn blue jeans,

Warm cozy sweaters, I know what that means,

Sandals and swimsuits are replaced with knit hats and boots,

Thick socks and sweatshirts, there are no substitutes,

Crispy morning air with a freshness that cleanses,

Sipping on hot cider while football commences,

Cornhole and barbequing in the stadium parking lot,

Tailgating with friends at the usual spot,

Fall is for pumpkins, scarecrows, and a bright yellow tree,

Jewel-colored leaves and the scenery is free,

Acorns fall, and the squirrels are so busy,

Watching them work is making me dizzy,

A majestic sunset of orange adds to the autumn delight,

Not to mention Halloween, to give me a fright,

Fall festivals and farmers are truly the best,

A beautiful time to be thankful for harvest,

Corn shocks and hayrides, apple orchards and all,

Makes me choose as my favorite season…  Fall!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  9/16/2023

BONUS Fall Poem:

Fall Display

Big round orange orb, thick brown stalk,

You will be my jack-o-lantern, to place beside my shock,

Large corn shock, sitting on its end,

Bound like a corset in ‘Gone with the Wind’,

Multi-colored corn will add some festive delight,

To my fall display, without any Halloween fright,

Gourds, flowering chrysanthemums, just a few,

A bale of hay, and always a scarecrow or two,

Just lots of harvest fun out there on the lawn!

Hayrides, corn-mazes, the list goes on and on,

Fall flavors are so yummy: Apple cider and pumpkin spice,

And The NC State Fair makes fall twice as nice,

With an assortment of pumpkins residing on my porch,

Sitting in my swing I watch summer pass the torch,

For cool days are ahead and I can hardly wait,

October has arrived, and there is no debate!

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Golden Road


August 2023

Recently, I started following a couple on Instagram, Matt and Grace, (@thegoldenroad), who are venturing to walk from the border of Canada to the Keys in Florida with their two dogs and a pushcart they named Timmy.  The big husky dog Nemo walks the entire time, while the 4 lb. teacup Yorkie dog they call Foxie (aka Monkey) rides atop “Timmy” (the cart).  They are 133 days into their 3000 mile walk and are now walking through Raleigh today.  They actually came down the White Oak Greenway just minutes from my house and posted a photo of the mural on the trail behind my son’s house.  In doing this walk, they are raising money for a cause @ Elevate.youth.boston.  It is a community organization in Boston who stive to empower underserved youth through outdoor experiences and positive adult role models.  Their goal is to raise $100,000 in donations to this organization. Thus far they have raised $26,800 for the cause.  They have walked over half of their walk (1700 miles) and only have raised one quarter of their goal, but Matt and Grace are determined to make their goal.  I am inspired by their determination and stamina.  Each day they walk they encounter new experiences and new people.  Many generous people offer to allow them to camp in their backyard.  On occasion, they get a hotel room, like when Hurricane Idalia threatened NC this week or when the weather is too hot to handle.  They get up early before dawn to start the walk.  Some walking is done on trails, but other times they are subjected to walking along the road.  This can be dangerous at times.  This is not their first walk across America, but it is their first walk down the east coast.  They average 15-20 miles/day.  Recently, while walking near Clayton, NC, Timmy broke down and was forced to retire.  The couple waited patiently in a hotel nearby to receive their brand-new pushcart they named Carl. They expect to reach the Florida Keys sometime in December.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Juno Loves Autumn


Juno loves Autumn

Juno has shed her lovely headband worn since Fourth of July,

There is a really good reason, and I am going to tell you why,

It’s September, and football season has started once more,

And although she doesn’t have a clue of the score,

She may even think that football is a bore,

Her headband now is black with 3 small pumpkins on top,

I know she loves autumn, and if she could shop,

I’d say she’d buy pumpkins, mums and a plaid ascot!

For I know she loves autumn; She loves it a lot,

In the past she has even dressed up for Halloween,

Her costume this year is still unforeseen,

Will she be a good witch, a clown or a scarecrow?

I guess we will see because I really don’t know,

But for now, she is giving off her harvest vibe,

She’s got a look of her own I can’t really describe,

She is regal.  She is stoic.  She is also so much fun!

With her cute little pearl necklace, and her hair in a bun.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  9/12/2023