Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Hot Glue


Craft Nite

Sometimes you just get a few friends together,

It may be in summer or winter; pay no mind to the weather,

Everyone brings a bag of craft supplies to share,

We don’t know what we are making, but we don’t care,

Creativity is flowing and ideas evolve in just a short bit,

Hot glue guns are melting the glue as fast as we need it,

There are ribbons and Styrofoam balls, buttons and lace,

But most of all, there is a smile on everyone’s face,

We laugh; we visit; we spill glitter and paint,

We tell of recent happenings and reacquaint,

The kitchen table full of supplies:  it is quite a mess,

But the spirits are lifted, I must confess,

Our craft nights are too far in between,

It’s certainly not part of a regular routine,

But when we do meet, our scissors we share,

Just don’t cut wire with the ribbon pair!

So many memories are made when we do,

Stick together, as friends, like hot glue!

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Debonair and Medicare!

 Oops!  My apologies.  I forgot to post last week.  I was probably getting my eyebrows waxed!

Girlie Girl

Never was much of a girlie girl,

Not too fond of ribbons and curls,

Short hair, no makeup was my jam,

Very much opposite of my sister Pam,

I didn’t have manicured nails, for sure,

I was a chronic nail biter with no cure,

But now that I’m older and more debonair,

(I am actually going on Medicare),

I enjoy getting my mani- and pedicures done,

I’m sure I’m not the only one,

A facial, a massage, pampering of any kind,

Makes me feel so wonderful; it’s divine,

Getting older is hard enough,

Give me more of the luxurious stuff.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, November 5, 2024




If I were a comedian,

I’d make people smile, and then…

A burst of laughter would fill the room,

Like the release of festive helium balloons,

A giggle, a chuckle, a snicker, a roar,

Who could ask for anything more?

A symphony of tickled, a delightful belly laugh,

If they say I stink, I hope they are referring to a bath,

My jokes may be corny, but my puns are really fun,

Laughter is a medicine that’s meant for anyone,

Find some humor in your day,

Even when it’s not going your way,

Eat the apple to the core,

But a laugh will help you more,

Laughter is contagious,

The result is outrageous,

Be the first to be infected,

And give it to someone unexpected.

Tammy Harvey
