Look up! God is an awesome artist.
Color Me a Rainbow
Color me a rainbow when the sky is clear,
After storms have passed; your presence is so near,
Give me all the colors, not just one or two,
Remind me of the promise made to me by you,
Nature is your pallet and you are in control,
The sun is peeking slowly out; the brightness soothes my soul,
Your canvas is a large white and puffy cloud,
Your hand has grasped the paintbrush which sounded really loud,
A gentle breeze is cooling what was a thunderstorm,
A smooth, sweeping stroke makes perfect colors form,
First, violet, like the flower given the same name,
Then, Indigo and blue, like the oceans that you tame,
Next green like the grass, covering the ground,
Yellow is a sea of daffodils, growing all around,
Bright orange is the color of pumpkins in the fall,
And red is the sparkle of a favorite Christmas ball,
You put them all together in a beautiful array,
I think that you must know just how it makes my day,
The pot of gold is YOU, painter of the sky,
Your promises are real, may your Name be lifted high!
Tammy Harvey
written: 1/31/2016