Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Give them your time

Have you time?
Have you time to play with me?
Let me sit upon your knee?
Have you time to be with me?
Will you watch me climb a tree?
Have you time to read to me?
I would like that, don’t you see?
Have you time to give a bath?
Can you help me with my math?
I would love some time alone,
Just to talk without a phone.
Hear my dreams and learn my fears,
Can you wipe away my tears?
Have you time to spend with me?
Share your wisdom, can it be?
I am yearning for your attention,
Have you time or good intention?
What time you have, is it well spent?
If not, your time just came and went.
Don’t waste the time you have to spare,
It means a lot to know you care.
Time is precious, this I know, 
Take the time to watch me grow.
Have you time?  You may say “no”.
Then make the time, I need you so.

- Tammy Harvey  written:  6/11/2014

After teaching preschool for 13 years, I can see life a little more clearly from a child's perspective.  In today's world, it seems that children are bombarded with materialism.  In my experience, it is time and attention that children crave.  Nothing replaces it.  I wrote this poem from a child's point of view to convey that message.

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, this is one of my favorites to date. I loved this poem. I can't even describe how I feel. This poem alone should win some type of award. Amazing...
