Tuesday, August 16, 2016

It's a BOY!

 On Sunday, 8/14. we found out that our grand baby is a boy!  There was a "reveal party" featuring doughnuts filled with blue cream.  It was a torturous wait for me to have watched the ultrasound on Wednesday, while the answer to the gender question was sealed in an envelope for only the doughnut shop to read. Everyone, literally everyone, including the baby's parents, found out together. It was exciting.
In honor of our new little one, this poem reminisces about raising our own boys:

Boy Toys

You started out small, Matchbox cars and Legos,
Transformers, toy guns, Nerf balls, Cheerios,
Spiderman, Batman, Ninja turtles too,
Street hockey, baseball, trampoline and who knew?
There were bicycles, scooters, soccer, wall ball,
Night games, swimming, tent camping each fall,
Pokemon, Silver Surfer, and Magic cards too,
Then Driver’s education, yes, the time really flew,
It was growing up taller than Mom ever was,
It was motorcycles, girlfriends and growing peach fuzz,
It was graduation and prom, and that kind of thing,
It was believing you could do almost anything,
It was college, studying and going to class,
It was hockey and fishing, catching some bass,
It was good friends, laughter, video games with the guys,
It was YOU growing up before our very eyes,
Oh, but you did and you made nice young men,
We are proud of you sons, May God Bless you, Amen-

Tammy Harvey  written:  6/28/14

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