Thursday, September 29, 2016

Jack Rocks

If you are like me, you played jacks as a kid.  What a fun game that worked best on concrete porches or hardwood floors.  I noticed that the jacks we had are smaller than today's version.  Introduce your children to this game.  I don't want the fun to end! By the way, my Mam-maw L always called them "jack rocks".

Playing Jacks

Take the jacks in both hands,
Shake them up and let them land,
Ball goes up, grab a jack,
Then catch the ball, you’ve got the knack,
Onesies, twosies, threesies, four,
Can you scoop up even more?
At tensies you must toss the ball,
Let it bounce, then scoop them all,
Catch the ball with your hand full,
Playing jacks is so old school!

Tammy Harvey  
written:  2/24/2016

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