When the orange-breasted robin pulls a worm from the ground,
It is remarkably musical, without making a sound,
She is feeding herself or feeding her young,
Either way, we know spring has begun,
The robin hops gently around the yard,
Like a graceful ballerina in a leotard,
Searching bright green grass for a single bite,
Then spreading her wings and taking flight,
She is persistent and precise, clever and bold,
Pecking the ground, like mining for gold,
She has her purpose and knows it well,
To raise her babies, and time will tell,
If her offspring will return here someday,
To hop, hunt and peck then fly away,
Blue robin eggshells are so lovely to discover,
Knowing her babies have hatched and she is a mother,
Stop and watch a robin as she works and plays,
It will add a spark of beauty to your routine days.
Tammy Harvey
Written: April 2,
Pretty Robin!!