Tuesday, June 20, 2017

What does the fox say?

Mama Fox outstays her welcome:

A fox family took up residence in our backyard,
A red mama fox, just took over, without regard,
She dug up under our storage shed,
It’s there she decided to make her bed,
She feeds and nurtures her three baby kits,
Hunting for prey to shred into bits,
The babies come out to get some sun,
They jump and roll, having lots of fun,
During the night, they cry eerie baby sounds,
We are not so sure about having them around,
Yet, a new fox family shows up every year,
They come and go with little or no fear,
It is amusing to watch them scurry about,
It’s quite entertaining, there’s no doubt,
But now we’d like our shed vacated,
It is time the foxes were eradicated,
So, here's a message, without being caddy,
Mama fox, go find your babies’ daddy!!
Tammy Harvey
Cowritten with Ted Harvey
May 7, 2017

1 comment:

  1. OH MY!! They're so cute but I wouldn't want them in my backyard. Uyvey!!
