Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Too Blessed to be Stressed

A Perfect Day, No way 
(I'm not lucky, I'm blessed)

A perfect day in every way, that’s what we think we need,
But things happen, plans go awry, and we get cranky indeed,
Do we have our health?  Are we feeling well?
Do we have running water?  Clean clothes that don’t smell?
Do we have shelter?  A roof over our heads?
Do we sleep comfortably in our own soft beds?
Is our pantry full, and can we afford to buy food?
If our answers are “Yes”, then why the bad mood?
A lot of people all over the world don’t have all of these.
So often we take for granted our abundant amenities,
Be prepared to dance in the rain, if it rains on your parade,
If life gives you lemons, then make lemonade,
Our situations are relative and always could be worse,
Think of that when you spill everything in your purse,
Or you drop your ice cream cone onto the ground,
Or the automated voice menu gives you the run around,
Maybe you had a bad hair day or something trivial like that,
You didn’t make it to the gym and now you’re feeling fat,
These are all simply things that shouldn’t make you stressed,
When you realize that most of the time you are truly blessed.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  4/12/2018

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