Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Keep Hope Alive

I wrote this on Jan 2, 2018 with a solid hope and confidence that Jerry's MRI on Jan 11 would show successful progress.  Unfortunately, that was not the case, and he was disqualified from the clinical trial.  He later would succumb to this horrible disease, but we still find hope.  Hope in knowing that he was a believer and is eternally in the presence of God.

Praying for a miracle

I believe in dreams come true,
I believe in miracles too,
I need a miracle, I need an answer,
My Jerry is battling brain cancer!
I never thought I’d be making that statement,
To hear it, I still am in amazement,
Life is unpredictably fragile, who knew?
My best friend would be battling breast cancer too,
My husband, an otherwise healthy, energetic man,
With so many hopes, and adventuresome plans,
Is currently fighting the fight of his life,
I am staying positive and being a hopeful wife,
He is incredibly courageous and has never complained,
His head though is foggy and his energy drained,
His medicines are many, but his side effects few,
We are certainly blessed that radiation is through,
With standard care complete, the next step is for sure,
An exciting new clinical trial that could offer a cure,
Pray with me now for success in this endeavor,
So, we can be free of brain cancer forever!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  1/2/2018

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