Don’t Miss the Joy
Is it me? Or does Christmas merchandising begin earlier and
earlier every year?
Do they think we will forget to buy something? Is that their fear?
I mean, the merchants skip over Thanksgiving like it doesn’t
Why decorate the stores for Christmas in October? Be patient! I insist!
Why not give each holiday it’s due?
Thanksgiving Day is important too,
We pause to give thanks for all of our blessings, and there
are many,
We should do that every day because we have plenty,
Plenty, however, is never enough,
We have to go out and buy more stuff,
Christmas has lost it’s true meaning I fear,
Let’s put Christ back into Christmas this year,
It is a celebration of his birth after all,
It is not about presents or trips to the mall,
But we stress and we shop and we wrap and we hurry,
We take all the joy out of giving, but don’t worry,
It’s not too late to make a change,
Celebrate simply and simply celebrate may sound strange,
But simplicity is the key, I think,
For Christmas comes and goes away in a blink,
Enjoy the holidays with joy in your heart,
And don’t fret about what’s in your shopping cart!
Tammy Harvey
Written: 11/5/2018