Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Bundle and Unbundle

Winter Has Come (and Gone)

When all the hardwood trees are bare,
And your breath is seen in the air,
Winter has come.
When the shortest daylight of the year,
Is followed by festive Christmas cheer,
Winter has come.
When snow is blanketing the ground,
And a new calendar year comes around,
Winter has come.
When you bundle up to step outside,
Or by the fireplace you reside,
Winter has come.
The winter is cold; the hot chocolate is sweet,
With a hat on your head; warm socks on your feet,
A scarf round your neck, your outfit is complete,
Winter has come.
Then slowly, but surely, your coat is not needed,
Nor is the scarf and hat; they are superseded,
By a light jacket or favorite cardigan sweater,
To bundle up is nice, but to unbundle is better,
It is a feeling of freedom to no longer shiver,
The comfortable weather of spring flows in like a river,
Soon the grass is greening, and the flowers are blooming,
Winter is gone, I am assuming.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  12/25/2018

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