Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Journey

Stepping Stones

Carefully, slowly and oh so steadily,
I balance myself on the rocks that are incredibly,
Slick and worn by the rush of the water,
A treacherous path from one side to the other,
Why do I venture into the stream?
To arrive on the other side is my dream,
The water is ice cold so I don’t want to slip,
I don’t want to experience a breath-taking dip,
But I love the sound of the water as it flows,
Sparkling and rumbling; it whispers to me as it goes,
Downstream, in a hurry, like there’s an urgency to move on,
It rushes with a vengeance from dusk until dawn,
I have to be a part of its journey, endlessly flowing,
I am drawn to its energy that keeps it going and going,
Doesn’t everyone want to make it to the other side?
What satisfaction it is sure to provide!
To stand and gaze back on the course that I took,
Gives me pause that this is a magical brook,
It had its deep waters and slippery slopes,
There were no safety nets or harnesses or ropes,
It was by faith that I walked upon life’s stepping stones,
There were steps of heartache, but I wasn’t alone,
My steps were guided to help me reach the shore,
And because of this, I will weep no more,
Beyond the rushing waters of my lifetime,
Is a place of eternal rest, totally sublime.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  1/5/2019

Porter's Creek- Great Smokey Mtns

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