Easter 2019
He is Risen
Sing Hosanna! Wave a
green palm branch!
For the earth received an undeserving second chance,
When Heaven came down
to walk with man,
In the form of God’s son, Jesus, to fulfill God’s plan,
With love, endless and unconditional, and without stain,
He took the burden of worldly sin and insuperable pain,
He took it all upon himself, as a living sacrifice,
To atone for everyone, for evermore-He paid the ultimate
He stepped in to take our place, never once did he forsake,
Clothing us in righteousness for His namesake,
By rising up out of the tomb, he conquered death for all,
And now we hear his caring and resounding call,
To follow Him, take up our cross, and in Him rejoice,
We have a loving Savior who has given us a choice,
Conquering death, He secured us for all eternity,
To sit at the throne of God in holy revelry,
Amazing Grace and mercy were the gifts he freely gave,
We need only to have faith in Him to live beyond the grave,
Believing with our hearts in Jesus Christ, alone,
And professing with our mouth that He is our very own,
That is His hope for everyone this Easter season,
Why do we have Easter?
Jesus is the reason!
He is Risen
He is Risen Indeed.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 3/7/2019