I heard a sermon on Sunday about Psalm 92 which inspired this poem and gave me a whole new outlook on the difference between happiness and joy.
Defining Joy
“The joy of the Lord is my strength”- Nehemiah 8:10,
To that verse I can shout a big Amen,
Most think thankfulness comes from joy; however just the
opposite is true,
Joy arises from being thankful for all things given in Christ
Jesus, to me and you,
Joy is gladness in the Lord; It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit:
a positive attitude,
It is not a happy emotion based on circumstances, but it is based
on gratitude,
Bad circumstances should not steal the joy we have in Him,
Giving thanks in all circumstances is not just a
Biblical joy is acknowledging God’s goodness, even during
difficult situations,
It is not a season in life, but a way of life; it is our
rock, our sanctification,
It does not take away pain and suffering or loss; it does
not make us carefree,
Joy is peace, contentment deep in our souls; not a happy-faced
Happiness is temporary, but joy is a fullness; a satisfaction
of the heart,
We can be sorrowful and still have joy; each is not set
Certain people exude joy when you encounter them,
Which can be infectious and uplifting, like a sweetly sung
It is a heart condition that everyone should find healing,
An inner willingness to declare ourselves “blessed “- not
just a happy feeling,
Go ahead and use those yellow-faced emojis to put happy on
people’s faces,
But choose joy for your heart that overflows into all the
right places!
Tammy Harvey
Written: 8/12/2019
Ok now this is my favorite! Love this one.