Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Challenge Accepted

Recently my son Ted challenged me to write a "poem" of sorts using each letter of the alphabet to form a sentence with only that letter at the beginning of each word.  It was not an easy task and took several days to finally complete.  The letter "X" was my downfall.  Also, each sentence had to be at least 5 words long.

The Alphabet Challenge

Aardvarks are astoundingly awkward and alarmingly armored.
Bashful, blushing brides buy beautiful bridal bouquets.
Creepy crawling caterpillars can create colorful creatures.
Dignified dignitaries daily discuss developing diplomacy.
Every eleventh enormous elephant exceeds expectations.
Fancy fairy friends frolic frivolously for fun.
Ghastly goblins greedily gather golden gems. 
Heavy hippopotamuses happily have hot habitats.
I imagine I’m increasingly illogical in illustrating ideas.
Jokingly, jesters joyfully juggle jelly jars.
Keen Kangaroos kindly kiss kitchen kettles.
Lanterns light lovely, long lanes leaving lengthy luster.
Mischievous monsters meddle mindlessly making muddy messes.
Notorious nocturnal newts neighborly nest near nozzles.
Opinions obnoxiously oppose only optimum opportunities.
Precocious pretty petty people play ping pong poorly.
Quirky quail quills quietly quiver.
Rambunctious rats run rough rocks reluctantly.
Stamping stallions scarily squelch suspicious spiders.
Treacherous tornadoes twist trees trunks terribly.
Unusual unicorns utilize utopias understandably.
Vivacious violet vines venture variably, vanishing virtually.
Wishing well wishes will whimsically work wonders.
X, X,  X, X, X’s  (Kisses?)
Yipping, yapping youngsters yodeled yesterday.
Zipliners zoom, zig-zagging zestfully.

 Tammy Harvey
Written:  8/31/2019

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