Recently, I turned the big 6-0! Being in my sixth decade, I feel obliged to convey some wisdom to anyone who will listen...
Advice from a 60-year old
What IF’s
What if I fail? Give
it a try,
What if I lose? Play anyway,
What if others think I’m a fool? Let them think,
What if others don’t like me? Like yourself,
What if I make a mistake? Nobody is perfect,
What if they laugh at me?
Laugh with them,
What if I get bullied?
Stand your ground,
What if someone mistreats me? Tell someone,
What if I feel like a failure? Think positively,
What if I feel all alone?
God is always there,
What if I fall down?
Get back up again,
What if I fall again?
Get back up again,
What if I don’t feel loved?
God loves you,
What if I’m not smart enough? You are,
What if I’m not the best at something? Do your best,
What if I try but don’t succeed? Try harder,
What if I’m scared?
Faith is stronger than fear,
What if I think I’m a bad person? You are a child of God,
What if I have lost all hope? Hope is never lost, just misplaced,
What if I don’t like myself?
Change your mind,
What if I have no friends?
Make friends,
What if there is no one to talk to? Pray to God,
What if I need help?
Please ask,
What if I no longer want to live? Seek guidance immediately!
Tammy Harvey
Written: 1/22/2020
Oooh I love this!!😘