Tax Day USA
Gotta file! Gotta
file NOW! File an extension if you must,
Uncle Sam screams and yells: “Collect taxes or Bust”!
Tax season is upon us, like every other year,
Churning up dread to most, but cheer to some,
Contingent on the bottom-line outcome,
Receiving a check or writing a check? Which will be your
Either way, the time draws near: April 15 is the date!
Gather together your papers, documents and receipts,
Plunder through your unkept files; for all must be complete,
Doing okay? Or are you already feeling defeat?
Find last year’s tax returns, you will need those too,
Is there anything else you need to do?
Wish you had kept better records? File drawers are overflowing?
Are the numbers in your head growing and growing?
Calm down. Take a
breath. It’s all gonna be okay,
It’s a deadline, yes, but like any other day,
You will survive the tax season once again,
And if you are lucky, get a refund in the end!
Tammy Harvey