Gone Fishin’
He looked the part of an outdoors man in his bibbed overalls
and red plaid shirt,
My 3-year old grandson, with his red rubber boots, was not
afraid of a little dirt,
He had slept in the car during the hour-long drive,
It was sunny, yet cool, when we finally did arrive,
At the fishing pond for a day of family fishing,
To catch and release was what we were wishing,
A few large-mouthed bass were readily caught by his uncle and his Dad,
But he wanted to fish too with the small push-button rod that
he had,
Uncle Thomas attached a dough ball to his hook and gently cast his line,
He sat quietly on the planked dock near the bank in the May
When all of a sudden, Thomas yelled from the grass:
“Charlie, your bobber is under! Reel!... Reel Fast!”
Without hesitation, like a fisherman pro,
Charles had a nice-sized bluegill steadily in tow,
While Thomas was running from the bank, his Dad came running
down the dock,
I just stood there and witnessed it all, in shock,
Everyone was excited for the brave little guy,
Who had caught his fish by himself- on the very first try,
He couldn’t have made his uncle any prouder,
And their screams and adulation couldn’t have been any
I won’t soon forget that incredible day,
When my grandson did not let the big one get away!
Written: Tammy