Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Old-Fashioned Easter Eggs

No Plastic Eggs!

On a day that was sunny,
During an old-fashioned Easter Egg hunt in the backyard,
As a child, finding those eggs could be mighty hard,
Of course, we counted them all first to know how many we had,
Then someone was designated to hide them:  a mom or a dad,
While we seekers would all wait patiently in the front,
We wondered:  Would there be a prize at the end of the hunt?
Candy inside? Oh no, these eggs were hard-boiled and hand-dyed,
Each one was unique, and we had made them with pride,
We did them ourselves with smelly vinegar, hot water and tablets of bright,
Swirling them around with a small wire loop until they were just right,
Each teacup a different colored solution with a wax crayon for creating design,
Everyone knew which ones were theirs and I knew all of mine,
No one was allowed to look while the hider meticulously hid all the eggs,
Beware the spiderwebs, barbed-wire fences and daddy long-legs,
As the hider completed the task and yelled out “go!”,
Clumps of overgrown grass were a favorite first look, although,
The gutter downspouts were also a sure spot,
And the swing set had multiple places to hide quite a lot,
When all of the obvious places quickly were picked over,
Then came the hard ones, not just buried in clover,
These were tricky to find; hidden at unassuming places,
That caused the sudden halt to the frenzied foot races,
Standing still and surveying the yard with wide eyes,
It was a challenge to find: eggs were completely disguised,
The “golden egg” winner received a hollow chocolate bunny,
But it was mostly for bragging rights, on a day that was sunny!

Tammy Harvey

1 comment:

  1. Ah memories and nice looking Easter eggs. 🐰🥚🐣🐰
