Change begins an individual at a time and the longest journey begins with a single step...
Wagon Wheel
A piece of history, a work of art,
Let me describe it, part by part:
I’m speaking of an old wooden wagon wheel,
Let me tell you how it makes me feel,
The hub represents the “heart” of it,
A central connection for the axle to fit,
The two come together with a common goal,
Without each other, the wagon could not roll,
The spokes are many, making it strong,
A single spoke would be utterly wrong,
The outer wheel rim has no beginning or end,
It is an infinite circle with a continuous bend,
The surface of the wheel is covered with a metal band,
Giving it rigidity; Rocks and potholes to withstand,
The old wagon wheel symbolizes unity, at its best,
Parts working together; none very useful without the rest,
Now is the time to embrace the wagon wheel analogy,
Love is the hub to eliminate brutality,
Spokes are us folks coming together for a commonality,
And the infinite wheel is the hope for a future of equality,
The metal band is the perseverance to endure the change
To travel the world on a journey that begins with me in Cary.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 6/23/2020