A New Year
A new year is upon us, let us ring it in,
Let us focus on what is ahead of us, not on where we’ve
It’s a new day, a new dawn, a new hope, a clean slate,
Let us look to the future with love and not hate,
We can conjure up negative thoughts; there are so many,
Or we can look for the positives, we have plenty,
This is self-talk, a note to myself, a reminder to me,
My thoughts are my thoughts, and they run free,
Free from judgement, free from criticism, inside my head,
But should I put them out there, for others, instead?
I can convey a positive attitude or not,
It is a choice I have to make, so what?
It is essential for my mental health to dwell on what
I can stand in a valley or rise up on towering cliffs,
What I am thinking is important, day to day,
It helps me cope in a special way,
I’m looking for the blessings, however small,
I’m reaching for the stars, and if I fall,
Grace is a cushion that catches me,
Amazing Grace is like a live oak tree,
Sheltering me beneath its branches spread so wide,
I sometimes want to curl up and stay inside,
But the grace extended to me is a branch of hope,
Many strong branches canopy me, and I learn to cope,
Anxiety and depression cannot get me down,
As a child of God, I wear a crown,
My fears are real, but my faith is strong,
Faith over fear is my fight song,
My thoughts are mine, but I share with you,
May your blessings be many, and your troubles be few,
May you cope with life in a positive way,
His grace is sufficient every day,
May your heart be filled with love from above,
May hope arrive on the wings of a dove,
Now that 2020 is over and done,
May you find happiness in 2021!
Tammy Harvey
Written: 12/10/2020