Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Sweet Spot



I read lately a quote that stirred me,

Matt Haig wrote: “There is a sweet spot between confidence and anxiety and that is where creativity lives”,

Creativity lives.  It thrives and grows, blossoms and we appreciate it,

It grows, if only we allow it to.  If the weeds of anxiety don’t overcome it,

If the sunshine and rainfall of confidence feeds it in the right amounts,

We cultivate the creativity, like a garden of our soul,

Like a garden, creativity produces fruit,

Fruit of the imagination, of endless possibilities,

Things unthought of, beautiful art yet discovered,

To be creative is to live in that “sweet spot”,

The hope is to release anxiety and gain confidence to let creativity soar,

Boundlessly and joyfully:  Create until your heart’s content!

Write, draw, paint, craft, sew, build…create.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  2/15/2021

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