Tuesday, May 4, 2021

A Hop, Skip and Jump

A little girl sat on the front porch steps, her chin in her hands,
She gazed at the end of the driveway- where the mailbox stands,
She ran inside and brought out a box of colored chalk,
She had an idea concerning the plain sidewalk,
On the concrete, beside the mailbox, she drew,
A multi-colored series of hopscotch squares, beneath the sky so blue,
Returning to the front porch perch, she curiously watched for when,
An unsuspecting pedestrian would pass by again,
A jogger was the first to make an appearance in front of her house,
But scurried on by like a frightened field mouse,
Probably didn’t see the hopscotch anyway,
She was disappointed, but waited patiently all day,
A dog-walker came next, and more of the same,
He did not take a turn at the hopscotch game,
A mother with a baby stroller also passed hurriedly by,
And the little girl was about to give up and/or cry,
When the familiar mailman who waved to her most every day,
Put the mail in the box and decided to play,
He hopped, skipped and jumped through the hopscotch like an ace,
Which put a great big smile on the young girl’s face.
Take time to hopscotch, every once in a while,
Don’t miss a chance to make someone smile!
Tammy Harvey
Written: 3/24/2021

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