Red, the Scarecrow
Stiff old fellow, standing all alone,
Out in the cornfield is his home,
He is dressed in plaid with his arms stretched wide,
His pants are inflated from the straw inside,
With an old hat perched upon his empty head,
Impersonating a human is a chore for Red,
He is doing his job well, though, birds are scared,
So, the corn crop will be successfully spared,
But Red is lonesome for some companionship,
He wants to hop down and take an adventurous trip,
He dreams of having real legs and arms,
And casually visiting other nearby farms,
He dreams of meeting his scarecrow wife,
And living together a scarecrow’s life,
Then he wouldn’t be so all alone,
Each year when the corn seeds are properly sown,
Stiff old fellow, standing all alone,
Out in the cornfield is his home.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 10/3/2021