Tuesday, December 26, 2023

His Birth Story


Love and Good Cheer

When crusted snow crunches under the weight of my boots,

And little kids are bundled in thick, round snowsuits,

Icicles have formed on the eaves of our house,

And no sound is heard, not even a mouse,

A blanket of white covers everything,

And colorful lights glow, as carolers sing,

Winter is here, and the fire crackles loudly,

Neighborhoods display their decorations so proudly,

The smell of pine is filling the space,

As to the gifts, the young ones will race,

It is a magical time of year, that’s right,

The holly, the jolly, the merry and bright,

When people are called to reflect on their year,

With hope and joy, because the message is clear:

Long, long ago, as a star announced His birth,

A miraculous gift was sent to the earth,

Jesus was born and to Him be the glory,

Because Christmas is all about His birth story,

The wisemen were called to bring special gifts to this One,

Because He was declared to be God’s son,

Merry Christmas to you, and a Happy New Year,

May yours be filled with Love and Good Cheer.

Tammy Harvey


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