Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Childhood song


Like a River, Ocean and Fountain

There is a song I learned as a child,

It is simple and repetitive.  It is meek and mild,

The verses of this song speak of the condition of my soul,

Analogous to water,

 “I’ve got peace like a river in my soul”,

 “I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul”,

“I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul”,

“I’ve got peace, love and joy like a river… in my soul”,

This song exemplifies how cleansed souls feel,

It is magical and surreal,

Refreshing water flowing,

Not knowing where it might be going,

A river, an ocean and a fountain of water, in fact,

Always moving and never going back,

The soul can be refreshed and made new,

Never to return to what it once knew,

A baptism of heart,

Brings a fresh start,

When the Holy Spirit is within,

The healing begins.

Tammy Harvey


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