A Watchful Eye
Keep a watchful eye on life, signs are being given,
Subtleties that occur, I believe they are from heaven,
At the very least, they are reminders of a loved one, who
has passed,
Time may heal the heart, but memories, they last,
Yesterday, I was driving along, not really going far,
On three occasions a bright red cardinal flew in front of my
If I had not been aware, I would have missed this precious
Little messages from above, that are so deeply sublime,
He was saying “I am here with you, please remember me”,
I was thinking “there you are, I didn’t forget, your sign I
clearly see”,
Songs are playing in
the store sometimes, noticeably not by accident,
Purposefully, they evoke in me a beloved memory, divinely sent,
There is excitement on my granddaughter’s face and exuberant
When she sees a portrait of her grandfather visibly in her
Although he passed a few years before she was even conceived,
It is as if that they have met before, she recognizes him, I
After all, my daughter-in-law had a vivid dream before her
Where her dad handed her a baby girl, this is not all
Call me crazy, I find great comfort, in looking for the
You may also find solace, if you are so inclined,
Keep a watchful eye on life, signs are being given,
Subtleties that occur, I believe they are from heaven.
Tammy Harvey