Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Baby Sister


Baby Sister

“I think my water just broke” I heard her say,

Frantically, my daughter-in-law was calling today,

She was 36 weeks pregnant and not due at all,

So, we all were surprised by this urgent phone call,

It was her third, so I anticipated it would go fast,

I hopped in my car and arrived there at last,

The 10-minute drive felt unusually long,

I was praying on my way that nothing was wrong,

The hospital said the baby was definitely arriving,

But without complications, the baby was thriving,

Their baby girl was born, in four hours’ flat,

Prayerfully, we like it like that,

Precious and tiny, not quite six pounds,

Healthy and hungry, making squeaky mouse sounds,

She disguised herself as a preemie, quite clever is she,

With no preemie complications, a warrior she’d be,

Born on a Friday night; home on Sunday,

Fearfully and wonderfully made, I’d say,

Her parents named her Hannah, the youngest of three,

With two big brothers to protect her, she’s problem-free,

A princess, a little lady, she’ll be a tough one, I’ll bet,

She is a joy to us all, and God’s not finished with her yet!

Tammy Harvey


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