Tuesday, December 17, 2024

She's 18-months-old Today!


Why I Love Her SO...

Is it her large blue sparkling eyes and the dimples on her chubby little hands? Is it the curly ringlets that flow to her shoulders and the way she pushes the hair away with the back of her hand?  Is it the skinny jeans with her diaper showing out the back and her cute pigtails’ hairstyle?   Or is it the way she points with curiosity asking me “what’s that?” to almost everything?  Is it her scrunched up nose when she smiles at me the biggest?  Or is it the kisses she throws to me with her stiff flat hand?  Is it the way she pretends to feed her baby doll with the bottle and hugs all of her stuffed animals closely to her chest?  Or could it be the way she points at me when someone asks, ‘where’s Gigi’?  Is it the way she looks at me when giving me “the eye’?   Could it be her funny disposition and how music makes her dance?  Is it the way she always laughs when I play peek-a-boo?  Or perhaps the fact she loves to shower every chance she gets?  Is it the way she turns the pages in her favorite hardboard book?  Or the tiny white teeth that are coming in rapidly and hurt?  Is it the way she grabs her pacifier and puts it in her mouth?  Or how she insists on feeding herself?  Is it how she lays her head down lovingly on my lap and how easily she falls to sleep at night and for her naps?  Is it the constant waves she gives to everyone in sight?  Is it her determination to get up on the couch all by herself?  Is it her love of the outdoors that really is the best?

Not one of these, but all of these are the reasons that I love her:  She is the one-and-only child of my firstborn, the first granddaughter and a very special little girl!!!

She is 18 months old today!  (12/17/2024)

Tammy Harvey


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