Thursday, January 5, 2017


I find that life can get complicated fairly quickly if you let it.  You can be consumed with all the "things" you keep in your life.  I find it necessary to purge every once in a while the unnecessary clutter in my world:  Refocus on what's really important and what's a keepsake.  This clutter is physical, mental, emotional, as well as spiritual.  The key word is "keep".  Keep what is encouraging, uplifting, gratifying, motivating, enjoyable, and positively simple.  If it's a keepsake, your heart will know.


keep the peace, when there is war,
say keep the change, when you want to give more,
keep it up, when you’re doing well,
keep it real, when the truth you tell,
keep it down, when life gets loud,
keep it moving, when you’re in a crowd,
keep it to yourself, if your words are discouraging,
but keep it going, when you are emerging,
If it’s a keepsake, your heart will know,
And you will continue to spiritually grow,
Take time to determine what to keep,
And what you sow, you will reap,
Purge your life of things that clutter,
Keep it simple, that’s your bread and butter

Tammy Harvey

Written:  Nov 12, 2016

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