Tick-tock the secondhand sweeps,
At 60 seconds, the minute hand leaps,
Time marches on without regard,
Some find the concept really hard,
Time brings healing so it is said,
And time is eternal when one is dead,
Time can be saved, efficient, well-used,
Time can also be wasted, lost, abused,
When having fun, time really flies,
When passed a deadline, time denies,
Time has its own rhythm, moves with precision,
Time is quite the juxtaposition,
Half past, a quarter till,
Am then pm, it won't stand still,
In the tiniest of increments, time is a wonder,
Time is all relative; take time to ponder.
Tammy Harvey
written: 5/19/2016
Have you ever sat and watched an analog click tick away the seconds then minutes? Those big white-faced clocks with the large black numbers and red sweeping second hands were placed abundantly throughout the school building in my youth. Every classroom had one on the wall, as did the library, gymnasium, auditorium and cafeteria.
Time goes fast for me!!