Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sinister monster

Few people's lives have not been touched by this disease.  Cancer has affected nearly everyone, either personally or by association.


It afflicts the young, the strong, the rich, the innocent,
It does not discriminate or have any sentiment,
Cancer, it is called, I despise it, don’t you?
It is elusive, abominable, invasive, it’s true,
It strikes with a vengeance; it strikes subtlely,
With no respect or regard for our humanity,
The affliction it causes is more than enough,
The treatment is sickening; it really is tough,
Radiation, chemotherapy, experimental drugs that are new,
The patients are fighters, but survivors too few,
The time is now to cure this sinister cancer,
Our prayers are that soon we will have the answer.
Cancer, it is called, I despise it, don’t you?
The slaying of this monster is long overdue.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  February 1, 2017

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