Being content doesn’t mean you have everything you want,
It means you are happy with what you do have, as well as what you don’t,
You don’t yearn for or covet anyone else’s situation,
You don’t need a fancy car, a new house or an extravagant vacation,
When you achieve contentment, you know you can succeed,
You may not have what you want, but you do have all you need,
The more you get the more you want; it’s a never-ending story,
But joy does not come about when there is no glory,
Material possessions brings about only a temporary thrill,
It’s a tiring treadmill walk that’s always going uphill,
Unless you achieve contentment, you will always want for more,
You can find contentment, but it won’t be at the store,
“The best things in life aren’t things”, is written on my wall,
Reminding me that what’s important isn’t at the mall!
Tammy Harvey
Written: July 27, 2017
Very true. ๐๐