Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Live in the Present


Let’s retire right now and do as we please,
Let’s do no more work and live a life of ease,
Let’s take a vacation that’s long overdue,
Let’s set no alarm and sleep-in if we want to,
Let’s travel, learn to dance or horseback ride,
Let’s try something new, and swallow our pride,
Let’s learn to paint, sail, play golf, take a train,
Let’s go camping, fishing, or take a walk in the rain,
Let’s do all the things that we said we would do,
When we were young and didn’t have time to,
Let’s live a little while we still can,
We’re not getting any younger; sound like a plan?
Let’s enjoy our grandchildren and make memories,
Tomorrow is not promised; there are no guarantees.

Tammy Harvey
Written: 9/7/2017

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