TMI= Too Much Information
Keep it Simple
Purposeful complication is an aggravation,
Aggravation leads to my frustration,
My frustration grows at each exaggeration,
Drama ensues, gossip abounds,
My headaches are caused by these noisy sounds,
Too much information, too fast, too tiring,
Excuse me, but my patience is expiring,
Keep it simple, Keep it real,
Grab the moment, even still,
But don’t complicate what’s already confounded,
Don’t take the situation and make it compounded,
Information-overload, rambling on and on,
Twenty-four, seven- it is never gone,
I want to crawl under the covers and hide,
While the complicated world is there outside,
My head is spinning like a top,
I feel as if my head might pop,
Lose the gossip, let the drama go,
Don’t tell me, I don’t want to know!!
Tammy Harvey
Written: July 25,
Information overload...I definitely understand!!