Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Many wonders of the World

By definition, wonder is a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration,
Caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, a fascination,
Wonder is a wonderful word,
It is beautiful, much like the flight of a hummingbird,
The Wonders of the World?  I would not limit them to seven,
Countless wonders occur around us every day, a glimpse of heaven,
Wonder is to marvel at miracles, with awe and delight,
To speculate, to anticipate with curiosity, to pursue insight,
“Have a wonderful day” the server said at the drive-through window,
“A wonderful day” …A day filled with wonder…. aw, how did he know?
I wondered how he knew I needed to hear that today,
I smiled to myself as I drove slowly away,
Wonder is on the face of every parent at his child’s birth,
Or in the eyes of astronauts looking back at planet earth,
 Scenic wonderlands in winter are bright and white,
They are pure and sparkling in the moonlight,
Imaginary wonderlands are filled with a magical charm,
Delicate fairy gardens and gnomes who will do no harm,
Alice entered her Wonderland through a rabbit hole,
A crazy dreamland of fantasy, quirky and out of control,
Wonder is a wonderful word; are you convinced yet?
If you look closely at life, you’ll see a few I’ll bet,

Written:  12/28/2017
Tammy Harvey

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