Thursday, January 18, 2018

Meet Juno

In my numerous trips to the thrift store, I chance to find unusual pieces of art,
In this case, it was a statue head of a Roman Goddess who stole my heart,
Her name is Juno and she is their goddess of everything of womanly interest,
Marriage, childbirth, advise, money are her duties- she is the Roman Pinterest,
Cast by hand in sandstone in 1984,
She has a face that most would certainly adore,
She wears her hair back in what we would call a scrunchie,
A fashion-forward trendsetter no doubt, I’m sure she was quite spunky,
She wears a modest “crown” of sorts upon her wavy hair,
The daughter of Saturn and wife of Jupiter, she has a certain flair,
She sits upon our kitchen counter, adding regalness to our décor,
I thought she was beautiful there, but needed something more,
I purchased her a used black/red checkered winter hat,
Then added a set of black earmuffs, and knew that was that,
I then decided each season she would require a different look,
Something fun to amuse me because I really don’t like to cook,
I’m contemplating a Santa hat for Christmas, an Easter bonnet too,
A bandana, a visor, or maybe a baseball cap, to only name a few,
The choices, they are many,
The ideas- I have are plenty.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  December 30, 2017 

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