Snow Days
Icicles hung from the gutters like clear dagger blades,
As I peered out through the cold glass without any shades,
The sun reflecting off the snow-covered ground was so bright,
Snow had fallen so softly and heavily all night,
It was beautifully blanketing every surface and tree,
It was like it was saying “good morning” to me,
I never expected to wake up to a landscape of snow,
It glistened like a gift topped with a shiny bow,
It is not too often we receive a winter storm here,
And no one goes anywhere until the roads are all clear,
So, I sit back and relax for there is no place to be,
I am comfortably warm and feeling carefree,
Then suddenly from upstairs the floor starts to pound,
The 3 sons of ours have spotted snow on the ground,
It is a race to see who can get bundled up first,
A snow-day, no school; my serenity bubble just burst,
The sledding begins and goes on most of the day,
Our driveway is where most of the children will play,
Snowball fights, a snowman, tracking in and out the front
Running the dryer, making hot chocolate, and so much more,
At the time, I was irritated, not much fun for me,
But now they are adults, I look back and see,
These are the days I would never trade,
Snow days are the days great memories were made.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 1/20/2018