Wit- Pass it On
I’m not taking you anywhere,
And I’m not buying you anything when we get there!
My Dad would say,
As we slowly backed down our driveway,
I was confounded, really confused,
Did I hear him correctly? Now he was amused,
My Dad made lots of riddles and brain teasers,
He also was entertaining, a real crowd-pleaser,
He would ask me to get up and change the channel on the tv,
After all, he would say, you are younger than me,
Of course, I am younger, no argument there,
As he sits comfortably in his reclining leather chair,
Yet again, confusion, he got me to think,
He says, oh, by the way can you get your old Dad a drink?
I know, I know, I am younger than you,
But what’s an obeying daughter to do?
Then he asked: Have you ever noticed how rain always begins,
Right after a long drought ends?
What?! Not again, he has so many puzzling questions,
So many conundrums, enigmas, baffling suggestions!
He could go on, and on, and on, with a repertoire of silly
My Dad has a wit that is stronger than strong,
It is funny now that I am older, with children of my own,
I pass along the same sayings and make my boys groan,
They, in turn, will pass it down without hesitation,
To confuse and baffle the next generation.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 2/19/2018