Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Calm through the Storm

Don’t Jump Ship

We are in the same boat and it’s not smooth sailing,
The boat is leaking profusely, and we are frantically bailing,
If we keep navigating, and don’t give up hope,
We can be rescued or at least we can cope,
We don’t know how long it will take for us to reach dry land,
But the hardships and stormy weather, we will certainly withstand,
You see we have a Captain that can calm the roughest seas,
He steers us in the right direction when we get down on our knees,
If we simply ask, we receive a peacefulness from Him,
It transcends all understanding and fills our hearts up to the brim,
If your boat is off course and you don’t know where to turn,
Ask the Captain to help you, from Him you can surely learn,
He doesn’t take away the high waves or gusts of strong wind,
But he helps us navigate through them, on Him we can depend,
You may be doubtful that our Captain will always stay the course,
Our Captain will go down with the ship, He is a mighty force,
Promising to never leave or forsake us, He is faithfully by our side,
He is the great Comforter and He will be our guide,
When treacherous waters shake our boat, and we want to just jump out,
We ask the Captain to take the wheel, His knowledge is devout.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  3/8/2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Floral Reprise


Our camellia bush blooms every year without fail,
I will explain it to you in greater detail,
It’s remarkably predictable, but curiously strange,
It’s a phenomenon of grandeur that never does change,
Each spring it blooms abundantly in bright blossoms of hot pink,
A large round bush, but wait, it has something unique,
The bright flowers are always accompanied by two,
Two that are white, I am not kidding you,
Only two white flowers, something doesn’t seem right,
But it happens each time, there are two that are white!
I forget all about it, until it happens one day,
Then once again my mind is blown completely away,
It’s nature’s way of giving me a sweet surprise,
It’s like a symphony garden with a floral reprise,
The blooms are short-lived, as most spring flowers are,
But our camellia bush is a spectacle, quite bizarre!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  3/3/2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Spring Cleaning

Utterly Cluttered

Clutter and junk and messes, oh my!
Discarded and broken and useless, I cry!
I must get rid of those items I don’t really need,
I haven’t used them in years, old books I don’t read,
Clothes I don’t wear, shoes that don’t fit,
My closet may seem like a bottomless pit,
Excessive containers with no matching lid,
Items I’ve had since I was a kid,
Too many scarves, too many mugs,
Not enough outlets, too many plugs,
Duplicate of this, triplicate of that,
And where did I get this old straw hat?
I then ask myself:  How much is enough?
My closets are filled with irrelevant stuff,
When I clear my clutter, I clear my head,
I must not forget what’s under my bed,
Behind the door, piled up in the attic,
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fanatic,
I just know it makes me feel more at ease,
Because sometimes I can’t see the forest for the trees.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  2/26/2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Don't Be The Ugly Duckling

Be a Swan

Sometimes you feel like a little duck in a big pond,
The ugly duckling, whom most are not very fond,
But if you don’t let your thoughts go to that place,
You may look into the mirror and see a different face,
If you remind yourself that you are made by God’s hand,
You can hold your head high and take a proud stand,
For you realize that you have purpose on this earth,
And you must remember that we all have self-worth,
When the going gets tough, don’t ask yourself why?
Like a duck, spread your wings and learn how to fly,
And when you take upon you that positive outlook,
You will understand that you really mistook,
The duck whose reflection you saw is really a swan,
And you should remind yourself of that each day at dawn,
The glass could be half empty or it could be half full,
It’s your decision to make, let your inner swan rule!

Be a Swan

Tammy Harvey
Written:  2/18/2018

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter Sunday!!

Glory Hallelujah

G-Glory to God on High,
L-Lovingly, He chose to Die,
O-Openly He gave his Love,
R- Removing sin with His own blood,
Y- Yes! We are cleansed with a redeeming flood.

H-Holy Spirit, ours to claim,
A-Always in Christ Jesus’ name,
L-Life eternal, love divine,
L-Learning to be branches, 
     while He is the vine,
E-Ever present, all knowing,
L-Light in darkness, ever glowing,
U-Understanding what God reveals,
J-Jehovah Rapha, the One who heals,  
A-Almighty, powerful Trinity,
H-Help me always to abide in Thee.  

Tammy Harvey
Written:  1/26/2018

He is Risen!
He is Risen, Indeed!