Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Floral Reprise


Our camellia bush blooms every year without fail,
I will explain it to you in greater detail,
It’s remarkably predictable, but curiously strange,
It’s a phenomenon of grandeur that never does change,
Each spring it blooms abundantly in bright blossoms of hot pink,
A large round bush, but wait, it has something unique,
The bright flowers are always accompanied by two,
Two that are white, I am not kidding you,
Only two white flowers, something doesn’t seem right,
But it happens each time, there are two that are white!
I forget all about it, until it happens one day,
Then once again my mind is blown completely away,
It’s nature’s way of giving me a sweet surprise,
It’s like a symphony garden with a floral reprise,
The blooms are short-lived, as most spring flowers are,
But our camellia bush is a spectacle, quite bizarre!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  3/3/2018

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