Glory Hallelujah
G-Glory to God on High,
L-Lovingly, He chose to Die,
O-Openly He gave his Love,
R- Removing sin with His own blood,
Y- Yes! We are cleansed with a redeeming flood.
H-Holy Spirit, ours to claim,
A-Always in Christ Jesus’ name,
L-Life eternal, love divine,
L-Learning to be branches,
while He is the vine,
E-Ever present, all knowing,
L-Light in darkness, ever glowing,
U-Understanding what God reveals,
J-Jehovah Rapha, the One who heals,
A-Almighty, powerful Trinity,
H-Help me always to abide in Thee.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 1/26/2018
He is Risen!
He is Risen, Indeed!
He is Risen, Indeed!