Tuesday, May 1, 2018

A few Choice Words

One Misdeed leads to Another

A friend of mine has a very funny true story to tell,
Of a time when her house was urgently up for sale,
Not a fan of yard work, but she went out to kill some weeds,
Spraying Round-Up with no instruction was one of her first misdeeds,
Getting hot and bothered by the exhausting and endless chore,
She and her daughter surmised that the activity was a bore,
They needed a way to make the spraying much more exciting,
They sprayed their names into the grass, which was laughter-inciting,
But wait, it didn’t stop there, they were having too much fun,
That is when they decided that the writing was not done,
At this point, they were simply angry; selling their house was really hard,
They wrote a few large choice words into the green front yard,
Forgetting about the entire day, they went about their week,
When from an upstairs window, her husband took a peak,
“Why is vulgarity written into our front grass?” He bellowed,
It was impossible to deny since the culprits’ names were also yellowed,
She said, “Oops! Did I do that?! Didn’t know the weed killer worked that well”,
But despite the weed killer blooper, the house indeed did sell,
You can’t make this stuff up, that’s why I’m sharing it with you,
It’s a priceless amusing family story, I’m sure you have one too!

Tammy Harvey
Written: 4/2/2018

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