Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Rest for the Weary


It was 3:00 am and I was up with the dog,
Couldn’t go to sleep, so I wrote this poem for my blog,
The peaceful nighttime silence enveloped our house,
The single sound I heard was the breathing of my spouse,
It was incredible how deafening the silence could be,
I listened intently, is someone talking to me?
He whispered to me from inside my head,
Was I dreaming? Should I just go back to bed?
No, I knew it was God gently speaking to me:
“Come to me you who are weary and heavy laden…I will give you rest”,
It was Matthew 11:28: Immediately a heaviness lifted from my chest,
When the problems I have keep me awake at night,
I remember: His yoke is easy, and His burden is light,
If I take His yoke and learn from Him,
The situation I have doesn’t feel so grim,
I gain the confidence to persevere and to trust,
For I need God’s strength, that is a must!
His promises I know, so there is nothing to fear,
His grace is sufficient, and his wisdom is dear,
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11,
I went back to bed with a new perspective and thanked my Almighty Father in heaven.

Tammy Harvey
Written: 3/28/2018

“Never Be Afraid to Trust an Unknown Future to an All-Knowing God”- Corrie Ten Boom

1 comment:

  1. AnotherAmen! If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it! =
